and then there was the March/Tracy quarrel afterwards, and now Hec is all laid out with a bad head cold and gagging down zinc lozenges, so altogether not the best possible night out at the movies.
On the plus side, the experience might help condition him NOT to browbeat you about your taste in movies—it's like the universe took your side and administered a smackdown.
I take it as a sign that Katharine Hepburn has now (as is only right) ascended to godhood. Spencer was her favorite too, y'know.
I take it as a sign that Katharine Hepburn has now (as is only right) ascended to godhood. Spencer was her favorite too, y'know.
She always had the locution for it, so it wouldn't surprise me. One. Bit.
OH, JZ, and th leopard swing coat (which I am choosing to be completely convinced was chic faux leopard) with the matching colors of gloves-and-sleeves-and turtleneck-with-cowl! And La Gingold!
And I dearly love Veronica Lake in I Married a Witch!
I can accept Katherine Hepburn as part of the panetheon. She was sensible and would do a good job.
I went to see The Incredibles again last night and there was...umm...a preview for Revenge of the Sith. Interestingly, they used a significant amount of Original Trilogy footage (Obi-Wan explaining who Vader is to Luke).
And it seems that Amidala will have proto-Leia hair.
I know I'm going to feel obligated to see the thing, but I think I can at least wait a couple weeks.
(Obi-Wan explaining who Vader is to Luke).
Also, Yoda explaining, "Shoot first Han did not."
Frederic March was great in Inherit the Wind, where he played Matthew Harrison Brady, the prosecuting attorney and former (multiple) Presidential nominee. (Cool bit of trivia--the playwrights named this character after the overzealous prosecuting attorney in the Fatty Arbuckle trial.)
Sad story: Arthur "Bo" Agee, Sr., minister and the father of Arthur Agee, Jr., from Hoop Dreams, was murdered last night during an apparent robbery.
I love everything about
Bell, Book, and Candle
except the ending. Go figure.
Someday, I will own a cat named Pywacket. I don't care how much Pete rolls his eyes.
Hec, would I like I Married a Witch?
I love everything about Bell, Book, and Candle except the ending. Go figure.
Somebody in the audience went "Ewwww" at the vision of Gillian in pastels. Also her cool mask shop was all crapola tchotchkes now.
Hec, would I like I Married a Witch?
You sure would. The witches are even more cold and evil than in BB&C. Veronica Lake is very cool.