The Kind Of Thing JZ and I Fight About
(on the way home from the local Rep house where we watched Bell, Book and Candle)
Me: "Have you seen 'I Married A Witch'? Frederick March and Veronica Lake."
JZ: "No, I've never seen that."
Me: "Man, I love Frederick March. What are your five favorite Frederick March movies? Mine are: Nothing Sacred, Best Years Of Our Lives, I Married A Witch, Dr. Jekyll and Hyde - He's the best Hyde ever..."
JZ: "Actually, I like Spencer..."
Me: "Do NOT tell me you prefer Spencer Tracy's Hyde! No way!"
JZ: "I liked his physicality..."
Me: "WHAT? Physicality?! Frederick March is like a punk rock gorilla in that movie. He's way more physical than Spencer Tracy. I think you must have watched another movie. I think you have spoonerism of the brain and watched a movie with Mederick Farch instead. This can't be right."
JZ: "Hey, I'm not your little bobble-headed acolyte shadow girl who's going to nod her head in agreement with your every opinion."
Me: "This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of demonstrable fact. All you are doing is convincing me that your critical faculties have shrunken to the size of a...a withered currant."
JZ: "If I have to stake my identity on Spencer Tracy then so be it."
I feel compelled to say that anyone who can turn a phrase like that ain't nobody's bobble-head. Spicy brains!
Details on the vacation in Natter.
I've only seen Barrymore's and Tracy's Jekyll and Hyde. I think I prefer Barrymore.
And March and Lake did have great chemistry in I Married a Witch.
I'm most amused by this question:
Man, I love Frederick March. What are your five favorite Frederick March movies?
Because I have NO idea who in the hell he is. So the over-the-top-ness of not just loving the dude, but then rattling off 5 favorite movies, makes me laugh.
This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of demonstrable fact. All you are doing is convincing me that your critical faculties have shrunken to the size of a...a withered currant.
Hec has bogarted ALL the bossiness EVER.
Isn't an unwithered currant a grape?
Isn't an unwithered currant a grape?
A good joke is worth repeating....
Nothing Sacred, Best Years Of Our Lives, I Married A Witch, Dr. Jekyll and Hyde - He's the best Hyde ever..."
What? No "A Star Is Born"? Harrrumph.
And March and Lake did have great chemistry in I Married a Witch.
But not as much as Lake and Ladd in "The Blue Dahlia" and "Glass Key". Ladd is such a wee man, kind of blandly-pretty, but you put him next to Veronica Lake, and... whoa.
I keep thinking that Lake is tall--I guess it's the way she carried herself--and I'm always bemused when I realize how tiny she is on screen.