I can already hear the ficcers preparing their Sean's_character/Ewans'_character slash.
The movie itself may just trump their efforts. We are talking about Ewan McGregor, after all.
And Michael Bay, who never saw an action thriller that he couldn't pack full of homoeroticism.
The Blockbuster "no return dates/late fees" thing sounds the same as when an apartment complex told me they didn't have a pet fee but a nonrefundable pet deposit.
And Michael Bay
To quote Team America, why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I echo Raquel -- what the hell does "overdelivered on the script" mean in non-Hollywoodspeak?
I echo Raquel -- what the hell does "overdelivered on the script" mean in non-Hollywoodspeak?
I think they were trying to soften the impact of pulling him off as director when he got in over his head. In this instance "overdelivered on the script" should be read as "the script was so freakin' good - much better than we had paid for."
what the hell does "overdelivered on the script" mean in non-Hollywoodspeak?
You know, I think it might mean that the writer put so much into the script, detail and direction, that not all of it could possibly be used.
Nah, I think Hec's right on this one -- they're saying that he delivered SUCH AN AWESOME SCRIPT that it's okay for him to pull out of directing, he's done more than enough already.