Huh. I am completely befuddled by the news links here. What does "over-delivered on the script" mean? Too many words? He's going to be so busy editing that he won't be able to direct? They realized that someone who would write that script has no business directing? What? (Still bitter about Stoppard's dismissal).
And why would anyone care about changes to the "Doom universe?" I mean, I've played all the games, and you know, they are like playing a movie, but I'm not emotionally invested. Basically you shoot stuff in dark tunnels that all look the same. There might be a grue.
Now, if they went back and made the Lovecraft connection (Sandy Peterson helped write the original Doom, and he's the guy that wrote the Call of Cthulhu rpg off of Lovecraft's work), I could get invested I guess.
No late fee, but you have to buy it or pay a restocking fee if you're more than a week late. I wonder how many people will notice
before being asked to pay up?
My opinion of Blockbuster is best expressed by saying I wish the cursed videotape from Ringu actually existed so I could return it to their store un-rewound and let the clerks join in the fun.
I can already hear the ficcers preparing their Sean's_character/Ewans'_character slash.
The movie itself may just trump their efforts. We are talking about Ewan McGregor, after all.
And Michael Bay, who never saw an action thriller that he couldn't pack full of homoeroticism.
The Blockbuster "no return dates/late fees" thing sounds the same as when an apartment complex told me they didn't have a pet fee but a nonrefundable pet deposit.
And Michael Bay
To quote Team America, why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I echo Raquel -- what the hell does "overdelivered on the script" mean in non-Hollywoodspeak?