How long before the Cast Charisma! cries?
I understand that people love Charisma (hey, I'm one of them), but how oblivious do you have to be to think Joss and she are bestest buds? I'd say there's a better chance of Alan Tudyk being cast as Wonder Woman.
She's an idiot.
Someone working in a video store who doesn't recognize Robert Redford's name? Sheesh. Dropped on head as a child, no doubt. (Apologies to anyone who has been dropped on their head as a child...)
I'd say there's a better chance of Alan Tudyk being cast as Wonder Woman.
I . . . .
Um . . . .
You bastard. Now I have that image in my head.
I'd say there's a better chance of Alan Tudyk being cast as Wonder Woman.
I'd pay money to see this.
Someone should go post it on AICN.
I'd pay money to see this.
Well...yeah, that's what they're counting on.
Well...yeah, that's what they're counting on.
Somehow I don't think that's how DC envisions a Wonder Woman movie, though.
And although Franken might pay money for it, I think they'd make about $250, tops, on the whole effort.
They have to pay their interns somehow.
Heh. From the Village Voice review of
Aristotle (Christopher Plummer) is forthright in his belief that well-moderated gay fucking will "build a city-state and lift us from our frog pond," while Alexander's passionate longtime companionship with first lieutenant Hephaistion (Leto) is the movie's only love story. Predominant among a few laugh getters is Hephaistion's silent, bedroom-eyes beseechment for nookie augmented by a slight toss of Anistonian hair, only to be told by his top, "Not on the eve of a battle." Once Babylon is taken from the Persians (yes, Stone goes for a replay of Intolerance's vertical pan, although naturally nothing we see is real), the two diehards lounge around in silk robes with chaliced cocktails like a married couple at the Pines. They even pledge to meet in Hades like Achilles and Patroclus, which is more than Troy had nerve for.
Indeed, if Angelina Jolie, as A's sorceress-mother Olympias, white pythons entwined around her legs, seems destined for a Maria Montez Lifetime Achievement in Vamp Award, Stone reaches for screaming-mimi drama queenhood. When Alexander, having conquered the Persians, decides to take the peasant girl Roxane (Rosario Dawson) as his wife, a puddle-eyed Leto appears with his mascara running like Dorothy Malone's to present his own engagement ring. The gay trysts are always implied but l'amour fou is not, especially at Hephaistion's deathbed, where Leto trembles like Wuthering Heights' Cathy, and Stone scores another unintentional hilarity as odyssey-worn Alexander wanders to the window blabbing about the adventures the army will have in the spring while his lover endures lonely death throes in the background.
Modern camp classic?