I'd imagine that their English is better than their Japanese,
Dunno why, but this sure made me snerk.
As most have said, I'm still getting the vibe of "hey, who's hot right now *and* Asian? Whaddya mean, there's a difference between 'em? At least we didn't cast anyone white!"
My husband is watching Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Talk about racial miscasting. Willem Defoe makes a terribly corny Mexican. Right up there with Charleton Heston in A Touch of Evil.
Worse than John Wayne as Genghis Khan?
Only Pauly Shore can credibly claim to have been worse than John Wayne as Ghengis Khan.
OTOH, Ricardo Montalban was the best Khan.
Only Pauly Shore can credibly claim to have been worse than John Wayne as Ghengis Khan.
I dunno. Zero Mostel once played Kublai Khan versus Desi Arnaz, Jr's Marco Polo. [link]
I would think that any Mexican with a sense of ethnic pride would be more irritated by Antonio Banderas playing a Mexican, considering he's a born-and-raised Spaniard, and there's still no love lost between Spain and Mexico.
Once Upon A Time In Mexico
is such a feverishly ethnic pride movie, though. I wonder what sort of box office it and
did in Mexico.
Apparently Gael Garcia Bernal does a creditable Spanish accent in the new Almodovar,
Bad Education,
so maybe it evens out.
I was going to say, much was made of Gael Garcia Bernal learning Spanish Spanish for that latest Almodóvar movie (he is Mexican). Because if he hadn't, it would have sounded silly to the audience in Spain.
(Banderas's accent in Spanish is pure southern Spain, and his English doesn't sound Mexican-accented at all.)
But I'm not sure as how Rodriguez is making movies for a Spanish-language audience of any nationality; the Spanish in his movies always seems incidental. Also, Rodriguez always seems cheerful about the hilarious lack of logic in his movies. In
The Faculty,
the invading aliens have conveniently read several classics of SF literature and obeyed their irrational assumptions.