I hated the Blade movies, but I may have to see Trinity just for Ryan Reynolds. Ripped. In low-slung pants. I'm sorry, honey, were you talking?
Denis Leary should have been Constantine.
They need to do Gaiman's Sandman NOW before Johnny Depp is too old to play Dream. And while we're at it, let's cast Summer Glau as Death.
Well, we know she'd make a good Delirium. But I don't see her as Death. My death looks more like well, I'm blanking on everyone not named Lucy Liu. But that's not who I mean.
I heard the tail end of a radio reviewer's opinion of the new Blade film, in which he summed up his review as such: "I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than see this thing again." I'd like to see the studio put that in its ads!
"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than see this thing again." I'd like to see the studio put that in its ads!
"I'd rather... see this thing again."
Or just "I'd... see this thing again."
"I'd ... see this ... again."
They just have to get William Shatner to voice it. It'd work.
But then some people might be suspicious of the editing. Maybe: "see this."
I finally saw Hero. Yes, I'm behind the curve.
Wow. I think that's the most beautiful movie I've ever seen.
Wow. I think that's the most beautiful movie I've ever seen.
It's pretty damn stunning, isn't it?
Beautiful, yes. Bit fucking dull, though, eh? I mean, after the 32nd identical-but-in-different-coloured-silk slo-mo wire-ballet fight didn't you start to wish Jackie Chan would turn up and just twat one of them?