By edgy and SJP do you mean her movie work?
Yeah, I was thinking of the Mamet thingie and L.A. Story and Ed Wood. None of those were all that edgy, really, but they also weren't Action Babe #57 roles.
Also, I see SaTC as somewhat edgy, for a sitcom.
(And I loved the first two books of HDM, but the God/Church stuff got pretty tedious for me in the last one, so for that selfish reason I don't care that New Line is making then take it out. But I don't like allegory, generally.)
Thank you, Lilty.
Re: ELF-- is it possible to adopt the baby Will Ferrell actor? And keep him as a baby forever? Because he was too cute for words. And I don't particularly want him to grow up into Will Ferrell, since one is enough for me.
Huh. I just saw the ad for Phantom of the Opera again, and the love theme isn't even used in the ad. So my recall of it this morning seems even mroe remarkable to me.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has been confirmed for a release date exactly one year from today. The voice of Aslan will be Brian Cox. Rock.
Oooh, nice. Not James Earl Jones-nice, perhaps, but I can see him having a "been there, done that, hakuna matata!" reaction anyway.
Also, Willy Wonka trailer. I have no idea what to think.
I think I'm scared.
But that's par for the Burton/Dahl/Depp course.
I have no idea what to think.
Not enough Oompa Loompas.
In the trailer, at least.
His teeth look like a separate character!
To quote the trailer,"Eeew."
Oh, the pain!
Yeah, earwormed all the way to the car. Quite a long walk, considering.