hops on the Jilli train
How did you know I'm wearing a skirt with a slight train today? You people have spy cameras set up in my house, don't you? I'd be worried about the blackmail potential, but since everyone already knows I take advice from a stuffed fanged bunny, I have no fear.
I can't wait to see
Blade: Trinity.
I'm helpless in its thrall, despite all the advance press.
Go to a matinee. Or better yet, sneak in.
Gerard Butler is/was a model?
He's not? I'd never heard of him before Phantom, so it's possible I've been misinformed.
Everything I've seen and heard of the filmed Phantom leads me to believe that it will suck enourmously.
Oh yes. I have every faith that it will suck beyond the telling of it. And frankly, having seen it twice on the stage, once with an impressive Phantom (and once with a pretty disappointing Phantom) and once with a Christine so impressive that the audience lept to their feet and started screaming and lighting lighters when she took her curtain call, I'm not sure I even want to see it on film.
I'm not kidding about the audience reaction to that one Christine. That was the night I saw with a poor Phantom, but nobody cared because Christine's performance was transcendant to an almost absurd level. I know it brought me to tears on more than one occasion.
I can't wait to see Blade: Trinity. I'm helpless in its thrall, despite all the advance press.
I am ita in this regard.
Gerard? No, he's a British actor...checks IMDB...has theatre on his resume, and since then has been gritty in cheesy action movies.
But I fault his film choices more than his talent -- he's been good in the crap (Lara Croft, Reign Of Fire, Dracula 2000) I've seen him in. Better than his surroundings, anyway.
Wasn't his first real public notice over that awful Attila TV miniseries?
I had trouble recognizing him as the same actor between Reign of Fire and DREKulaDracula 2000.
I own both Attila and Dracula 2000. Unrepentant love.
I've never seen this Attila thing. I may need to visit Netflix.