Gerard? No, he's a British actor...checks IMDB...has theatre on his resume, and since then has been gritty in cheesy action movies.
But I fault his film choices more than his talent -- he's been good in the crap (Lara Croft, Reign Of Fire, Dracula 2000) I've seen him in. Better than his surroundings, anyway.
Wasn't his first real public notice over that awful Attila TV miniseries?
I had trouble recognizing him as the same actor between Reign of Fire and DREKulaDracula 2000.
I own both Attila and Dracula 2000. Unrepentant love.
I've never seen this Attila thing. I may need to visit Netflix.
I'm reading this IMDB snippet on His Dark Materials, and I agree that it would be pretty unsellable on a large scale with the anti-religious bent.
Huh. Okay, yes, but without the religious content, it's hardly the same story, is it?
it's hardly the same story, is it?
It gets complicated to posit one Authority that's been messing with people over that length of time without going all Illuminati, and that's still in the ballpark.
So no, not the same story, but I think the marvels and the visuals are probably what they bought it for anyway. It's a really angry story.
Well, it's 223 in my queue, so we'll see.
It could end up being one of those "Okay, on crack and using the web" selections.
I'm The One That I Want
just got sent back unopened -- when I reached my limit of Cho, I forgot to go back and prune the list.
Well, it's 223 in my queue, so we'll see.
Watch it turn up in the next shipment.
What's that mysterious sound? Oh, just 222 movies all shifting to "Long Wait" at once.