that's true of all really attractive performers
Not really, for me. I mean, tons of them are really attractive -- but not all of them have my mental angels singing hosanna. Natalie Portman has
set off my heavenly choir, even though I think there are more attractive women out there. It's just something about the character of her beauty. Same with Jude.
there were moments in the Elizabethan Blackadder where I was just struck by the hawtmess of Rowan Atkinson and taken right out of the show.
Also known as the "OMG, I'm lusting for Rowan Atkinson, who was such a boob in Blackadder I. Woof." moment.
Ah, yes. A moment all of us have suffered through. "Holy SHIT, the man is hot. But... he's inept!"
TYPECASTERS!!!1! You don't deserve him!!!!
Look, Blackadder II, although smokingly hot, is still not the most competent monkey in the barrel.
I deserve him! I appreciate the craftsmanship of that gorgeous Elizabethan doublet he's wearing!
Okay, then I get the sleeve embroidery from Blackadder 1.
In any case, Blackadder 4 is clearly the most competent of the lot of them, for all the good it does the poor sod.
Someone show me pictures of Rowan Atkinson looking hot. I do not believe you.
Blackadder III becomes king!
Of course, Future!Blackadder becomes Emperor or whatever, but that universe involves Baldrick in a thong, so it's an iffy situation altogether..