Has anyone seen Stephen Sonderbergh's Kafka ? One of the Greek newspapers includes DVDs of movies and TV shows, and I just discovered they play in my computer despite region issues. The only one that looks appealing, sadly, is this one (well, other than The Mirror Crack'd, but I've seen that.)
I liked it. It was a bit studied, but the b/w photography was very cool and I liked the visual expressionism. For wacky Kafkaesque fun though, I'd have to recommend
Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life
with Richard Grant. Which (being a short) came with a supercreepy puppettoon about the Sandman (not the DC character).
I'd have to recommend Franz Kafka's It's A Wonderful Life with Richard Grant.
I'll second this recommendation. Hugely amusing.
Reading an interview in prep for tonight's showing of Blade: Trinity, this cracked me up:
RYAN REYNOLDS: Four months after we finished shooting, I'd been in New Orleans shooting another movie and my agent and I were having a bite to eat – actually in London – and he's sitting there and goes, “Wow, I just can't believe how ripped you are.” And I pulled up my [shirt] and my gut flopped over. And he just looked like he wanted to cry. “How?!”
Horrible visual.
A coworker suggested this (use a@a.com to see page 2) is why the Matrix sequels didn't live up to the original.
I saw that linked from Penny Arcade Monday, and your co-worker's thought was the same as mine after I read it. Though I still think what the last two films really needed was an editor.
I'm reading Fametracker's audit of Natalie Portman, and they end with:
Current approximate level of fame:
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Deserved approximate level of fame:
Sarah Jessica Parker
I'm not sure what that means. They seemed to be saying she's underperforming -- but I'm so Buffy-skewed. Isn't SMG a bigger movie star than SJP right now?
Isn't SMG a bigger movie star than SJP right now?
As far as movies made, and probably for box office grosses for those films, probably.
But I think they're crediting SJP with a significantly higher profile because of Sex and the City.
I guess you have to figure that SMG is somehow tainted because she is painted with the genre brush? And therefore less worth your time?
There should be a search engine (this is where someone proves me ignorant) where you can type in a star's name and get back the gross of their movies.
The Grudge,
I wouldn't have hesitated reading that as Portman needs to be as famous as SJP. Okay, no, I would, because Portman
pretty famous, and has a higher movie profile than either Sarah.
Okay, no, I would, because Portman is pretty famous, and has a higher movie profile than either Sarah.
Yeah, any way you slice it, that fametracker rating seems to have its head up its ass.