Loathed and hated
Love Actually
with a fiery vengeance. Curtis tries to be self-referential but merely manages self-parody. The man needs some fresh ideas, fast.
The only redeeming features were Bill Nighy and Emma Thompson (and I say this as someone who usually loves Hugh Grant and Colin Firth). Actually, most of the actors tried really, really hard but were doomed to fail miserably against the cliches of the script.
I hated certain subplots of Love Actually with a passion, but loved the Emma, Colin, Liam, and Martin Freeman (the stunt doubles) ones a lot.
Loathed and hated Love Actually with a fiery vengeance.
Fiona is me. (Except for the guy-who-plays-Tim-on-The-Office storyline, because he's just so damn cute.)
Copied from sumi in Jossverse: teaser poster for Batman Begins.
Batman Begins
... now, with love handles!
Or an iliac crest. And I know where my vote lies.
Which is the batbelt middle ground.
I attribute it to too many Batnuts. By which I mean Bat-Doughnuts.
Are we looking at the same poster? Where is the Batfat? I see none.
Where is the Batfat? I see none.
There's a bulge at the waist, which I presume is the utility belt.
The 11-year-old boy is entirely too cute. I like the movie -- it's snuggly.
The only storyline that pissed me off was the Keira Knightly one, because it seems like a really nasty thing to do to the girl -- "I'm going to ignore you and act like I hate you for years and years, and when you're married I'm going to make a declaration of love, and then we have to act like nothing happened for the rest of our lives." Fuck that noise. He should have either never told her, or told her when there was some possibility of her reciprocating without crushing a man they both, allegedly, love.
I know we aren't supposed to think about it that way, but it just fills me with a fury.