A whole bunch of movies just got disallowed from being Foreign Films at the Academy awards ... let me go look ...
Yeah, either America is snarfing the world, or borders are just getting too blurry in these large efforts:
Since Oscar submissions for foreign-language films may only be made by the country in which they are made -- and only one film per country -- several of the top foreign language movies of 2004 have already been eliminated. They include Maria Full of Grace, A Very Long Engagement, The Motorcycle Diaries, and Bad Education, the Los Angeles Times observed today (Thursday). Also eliminated: Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, in which Aramaic was the principal spoken language. "This system doesn't work," producer and academy member Samuel Goldwyn Jr. told the Times. "The academy's job is to pick the best foreign-language picture of the year. But what happens when two of the best pictures of the year are both made in France? Or suppose you had Italy's The Bicycle Thief and La Dolce Vita in the same year. It would be criminal if you could only pick one."
Oh, while I was looking I found this:
Concerned about the recent backlash over the Janet Jackson incident and the FCC's apparent determination to enforce its decency rules to the letter, Sony Film Classics has asked director Michael Radford to digitally retouch a scene in his The Merchant of Venice in which a naked cupid is shown in a Veronese fresco, the London Financial Times reported today (Friday). The newspaper said that Radford had already anticipated the distributors' concerns by shooting extra scenes for television in which bare-breasted prostitutes who appear in the theatrical version are fully clothed for TV. But Radford said that he was perplexed when he received a request from the distributors to "paint-box the wallpaper" in one of the scenes. "I said, wallpaper, what wallpaper? This is the 16th century. People didn't have wallpaper." When it became clear that they were referring to the fresco, he said, he drew the line. "A billion dollars worth of Veronese great master's frescoes they want paint-boxed out because of this cupid's willy. It is absolutely absurd," he said.
Michael Radford rocks. He has the rat face-cage from 1984 in his dining room.