Hey, don't forget his action epic 'Double Team' with Jean Claud Van something or other.
I think that was Dennis Rodman, not Shaq.
Definitely Rodman.
That movie has my favourite product placement ever. The soda saves the day.
I think that was Dennis Rodman, not Shaq.
Who's also taller than Lee. So are Michael Jordan (Space Jam) and Alex English (Amazing Grace and Chuck). Shaq was also in Steel.
All of those exultation moments in The Incredibles were my crypoints. I get weepy when Pixar characters realize things. Add family-coming-together moments in there, and I'm done for.
That, the family coming together moment,
where mom is the boat and junior is the engine
was my one crypoint in the Incredibles.
The realization moments, or self-sacrifice moments, or giving into fate (the Elephant Man choosing to
w lie down
, knowing the consequences. Those get me every time.
Thanks for the Cliffhanger lead Matt. Michael Nouri sounds right.
Not sure why this is bugging me so much!
::skips off to imdb...the gift from G-d that it is::
God, I loved
They finished the Dracula story but left the other two hanging! I loved Dracula's house and his dogs and the heroine's mother and Dracula being a professor of a night class ...
No, I wasn't watching obsessively and loudly lamenting every school play practice that made me miss an episode. I called in sick on the play practice that took place on the night of the finale.
Cliffhangers is not on Netflix.
Aw. Spit.