I love the New York Times' film reviewers. From today, on Closer:
"The only one who succeeds is Mr. Owen, whose volcanic charisma is hedged - and to some extent subverted - by a flash of rugged wit. Faced with such a rival, Mr. Law wisely declines to defend the "Sexiest Man Alive" title recently conferred on him by the discerning folks at People magazine. Instead, he dismantles the smooth, ingratiating persona that has brought him to the brink of being a movie star and in the process reclaims his legitimacy as a nimble and clever actor."
I cannot WAIT to see this movie!
You're familiar with the play aren't you Robin? I just want to be sure there are no ususpecting viewers who expect a feel-good experience.
The SF Chronicle today said it's a good movie, but Julia Roberts sucks the energy out of every scene she's in. And that Clive Owen and Natalie Portman are excellent.
Thanks, Matt, you thoughtful doll. I know it's going to be cold and not fun, but Owen is at the top of his game as an actor, andI am looking very much forward seeing him and it sounds like Portman is wonderful too, so it should be fun, talent-wise.
Damn Cate Blanchett for getting pregnant and making room for JR. ::grumbles::
The only point where Bond has to be white is Live and let die, becausee the story hinges on him standing out in harlem. Once you drop the period setting Bond can be anyone.
Any thoughts on Kindred: The Embraced?
I've never even heard of it before. 20 minutes into it, my experience is:
C Thomas Howell? How did that guy ever get a role?
Dialogue. Really crappy.
Casting, cool.
Does it get better?
It's been ages since I watched it, but I seem to recall it getting a little better, but not remarkably so. It helps when they lay off the the exposition and can stop quoting the game books.
Stacey Haiduk turns in an effective, moving performance as Lily Langtree. And Brian Thompson surprises with some depth in one of the later episodes, though he's not around much after that.
It's best to fast-forward whenever Howell is on the screen.