Or Nightmare on Elm Street or Nightmare on Elm Street 2...
Really, I'd say the original and the third installments (the ones with Heather Langencamp) were the good ones in that franchise.
Jason Goes to Hell just depressed me by revealing what Erin Gray had been reduced to doing for work.
Continuing my movie extravaganza, I went with best friend to see Without a Paddle tonight. Not very good, but hey—at least Seth Green was fun and probably made six figures on it.
The only Jason movie I've seen is Friday the Thrirteenth Part III in 3-D.
A good friend of ours was in this--one of those first acting jobs out of college things. He doesn't act anymore--he's a copyright attorney now, but he is still into it. He just did commentary for the DVD. He feels he is an arbiter of all things horror-movie-related, having been in one, and it's very much fun to wind him up and get him pontificating.
I've only ever seen
Friday the 13th Part II
and the only time I jumped was at the beginning ... which was a scene from the first movie.
Given, I'm a
Friday the 13th
fan in general, I feel the need to defend
Jason X.
Is it GOOD? Oh, dear lord, no. But it is entertaining and wonderful in it's badness.
She was fighting to the death, probably as many times as it took.
ita, now I am going to a bad undead wuxia place.
Is it GOOD? Oh, dear lord, no. But it is entertaining and wonderful in it's badness.
It didn't go far enough. It almost seemed like they were trying to be so-bad-it's-good, but then so many aspects made it seem like they were trying to be a real movie, it undercut the potential. All the "humor" came off as just inappropriate, out-of-place, and forced, when it could have been funny.
Ah, P-C. Agreed, it didn't hit the comedic heights of Jason killing a girl who was doing the Robot in part 5, or Jason punching that dude's head off in
Jason Takes Manhattan
, but it still had its moments.
but it still had its moments.
The best part was the
virtual reality Crystal Lake. "WE LOVE PREMARITAL SEX!" This is disregarding the complete ludicrousness of the VR setup, in which one can walk into a VR environment without wearing anything, and actual machetes can cut up virtual aliens.
That was obviously the high point, but
I found the ridiculousness of the VR ruse almost as funny as Jason's "dream situation".
complete ludicrousness
Dude. It was a Jason Movie. Ludicrousness comes as standard equipment. However, it did have a high Lexa Doig rating, and that's why I watched it.