I like Jude Law as Errol Flynn and Cate Blanchett is not a bad fit as Kate Hepburn.
I do have significant reservation about DiCaprio in the title role, but the kid (still can't think of him as a grown-up actor--is he thirty yet?) has charisma and may pull it off. All I know is I'll be there on the opening day.
I'll probably watch the stupid thing just to find out all the aviation details they'll get wrong.
Shortly after WW-II, he was almost killed in the crash of the XF-11, a high-performance photo-reconnaissance plane. If he had followed proper test-flight procedures, he might not have crashed it. From the previews it looks like the movie will feature this crash.
eidt for date and link
Leo turns 30 later this year.
Garden State
broke me.
Also, I want to take my newly discovered Jude Law love for a walk to
I Heart Huckabees.
I guess I like Jude but don't love him, as his part in the trailer definitely looked like watch-from-the-hall material to me.
I just can't wrap my mind around Jude Law playing Errol Flynn.
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., fine. Cary Grant, maybe. Possibly Gary Cooper. But I don't see Law pulling off that masculine/macho style.
I can map Law to Grant more easily than to Flynn myself, Fred. But who of the current age appropriate actors would you cast for Flynn? I'd say Hugh Jackman, but I'm currently a little obsessed overly interested in his work, so I'm probably biased.
I don't know how he moves as Flynn. I just know he photographs nice.
Cary Grant
Nuh and uh and I don't mind DiCaprio. But, not as my Cary. I don't know who could do it, but not Leo.
Nuh and uh and I don't mind DiCaprio. But, not as my Cary. I don't know who could do it, but not Leo.
How about Kyle MacLachlan?