(And I loved Fifth Element, but between AvP, Resident Evil, and Hudson Hawk, it should be pretty obvious that I will occasionally love a movie that has no Earthly reason to be loved)
scoots closer to Sean
In fact, tonight's deeply silly but oh-so-pretty movie viewing was
Sleepy Hollow.
mmmm, Tim Burton visuals and Johnny Depp.
The Fifth Element is one of my favorite movies. I love the the way the opera scene is intercut with Milla Jovovich kicking ass. I'm totally crushing on her. Hudson Hawk and Resident Evil are just as equally fun. I got to watch the RE commentary now.
GC, wrt
- how long is the running time of the DVD? I'm just curious if Harvey "Scissors" Weinstein kept his mitts off of the movie or if he showed his usual good taste with Asian movies and hacked the crap out of it (e.g. Shaolin Soccer).
edited because while she may bring good things to light, Gloomcookie initialized is not GE.
Yep, I hated
The Fifth Element
too. Reasons? Because I wanted to smack the smirk off the faces of... everybody involved in it, and the baroque sentimentality of the ending (OMG! Did you know war is
??), and the pointlessness of its high-concept design. Also? I do not book interstellar travel to go watch an opera singer get remixed for the dance floor. I can have that in any discotheque in France.
The last good thing that movie did was make Luke Perry beg for his mother.
At least Eve Salvail was in it. That was a pleasure.
I love
The Fifth Element
it's way over the top and bright colors and it's great. Plus I love the alien monster guys. I also love
Sleepy Hallow
it was pretty! And Johnny Depp was pretty.
I have seen
Hudson Hawk
Resident Evil
but I really want to now.
I liked The Fifth Element well enough when I saw it, but it was late and I realized about five minutes in that watching the pretty images without thinking too much about them was the way to go.
Event Horizon owes me $7.00, 2 hours, and all the Gaiman books it takes to replenish my faith in human creativity. This movie managed to bore me and irritate me simultaneously. If others found pleasure in it I'm happy for them, and I don't want to harsh their happiness. It's just that I'm still annoyed with it, this however many years later.
I'm looking forward to seeing Hero.
Another arbitrary top ten list from The Guardian:
The top ten sci-fi films
Huh. They are OK choices, if tad predictable.
I'd have included Brazil over The Matrix or Close Encounter, but that's just me.
I remain unimpressed by
Close Encounters.