Considering that the trailer made them look like Dobermans covered in hamburger, I'm left to ponder how they kept the dogs from eating their costumes.
The commentary track (which features Milla Jovavich and Michelle Rodriguez sort of flirting with each other, and geeking out about video games) reveals:
The inside-out dogs were, in fact, covered in essentially spaghetti sauce, and keeping them from eating their makeup jobs was a real problem on set.
Bwah! As a dog owner, I could have told them that for free.
The inside-out dogs were, in fact, covered in essentially spaghetti sauce
Mmmmm, that's a spicy meatball!
i don't know why they freak me out so much, but they do.
Oh, they freak me out, but in a good way. I was thinking the other day about why we watch horror movies (after wondering why I wanted to see
Open Water
so much), and I decided it's because the best ones tap into that visceral fear, and I want to experience strong emotion like that, because it reminds me that I'm human.
but anything involving visions of dead people (whether it's The Sixth Senth or a piece of crap like Event Horizon )
I love
Event Horizon.
It's one of the few movies that's truly
me. It may have helped that both times I saw it were in the dark.
I love Event Horizon. It's one of the few movies that's truly scared me.
Hee. I don't feel so bad then. At the time I felt like an idiot for being terrified by something I could tell (even watching through my fingers) was a big steaming pile of melted Velveeta.
At the time I felt like an idiot for being terrified by something I could tell (even watching through my fingers) was a big steaming pile of melted Velveeta.
It probably doesn't make any sense, but it's damn creepy.
Oh, they freak me out, but in a good way.
no good freaking here. though every time i see the trailer for Apocalypse i can't seem to make myself turn away or change the channel. i liked the plot of Resident Evil, but my insane fear of zombies just makes it impossible for me to watch it alone or at night.
why I wanted to see Open Water so much
that's another one i'm going to have to wait to see. why? because that is totally something that can happen to anyone. *shudder*
Any advance word on the Jet Li movie opening tomorrow? ita?
Any advance word on the Jet Li movie opening tomorrow? ita?
Jessica raved about it a few hundred posts back. Lemme find.
Not so much advance as retro, Betsy, since it's been out for a while. (You do mean
right?) I've heard it's glorious.