Okay, I've been poking around Dark Horizons, and from there to other links, and I'm now officially excited to see Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
I was before, because I loved the first movie (and I'm obscenely addicted to all of the video games, except the crappy first person shooter they made), but now I'm in the IT'S COMING SOON mode.
Which also reminds me that I never got around to finishing Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, which I should maybe put some time in on before I go to work this afternoon (just more freelance stuff).
Oh, and The Apple has been added to the list.
And after seeing Baseketball again on cable yesterday, I feel a real need to dig up Cannibal: The Musical, if I can find a copy anywhere.
HA! Gandalfe, you rock.
Shouldn't you have said "shpradoinkle"?
Okay, I've been poking around Dark Horizons, and from there to other links, and I'm now officially excited to see Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
I still haven't seen the first one, but I
the teaser trailer for this one, which was cleverly disguised as a cosmetics commercial until I heard the words "Umbrella Corporation."
You should see the first one, P-C. If for no other reason than TWO different shots of Milla Jovavich almost completely buck-ass naked.
If for no other reason than TWO different shots of Milla Jovavich almost completely buck-ass naked.
That's in addition to my thing for zombies. I've never played the games, but I love a good zombie movie. I don't know why. I may just like the word "zombie." And zombies really shouldn't be so scary because they're usually dim-witted and slow, but what's so unnerving about them to me
that they're dim-witted and slow. And dead. The dead part is a plus. It's the single-mindedness, the hunger for braaaaiiiiins above all else, the inability to reason with them, distract them with puns, seduce them with breasts. Also, they blow apart quite nicely.
Resident Evil is also the movie responsible for the creation of the inside-out-dogs ratings scale. (Which followed from my sister's roommate's astute yet hilarious observation that "Those aren't inside-out dogs, those are just regular dogs covered in crap!" On the inside-out-dogs ratings scale, the more inside-out dogs a movie receives, the more of a must-see it is. For example, The Apple rates approximately a bazillion inside-out dogs, and currently has the highest inside-out dog rating of any other movie in existance.)
That's in addition to my thing for zombies.
you are the anti-me. zombies, zombie movies, anything having to do with the word zombie freaks me the hell out. i watched Resident Evil, but it was late at night and i couldn't finish watching it until the next morning. i don't know why they freak me out so much, but they do.