I do hate the carefree-woman-liberates-stuffy-man genre even more than the jilting one.
Nope, not giving up the SOMETHING WILD or INTO THE NIGHT love for anything.
Or, for that matter, BRINGING UP BABY or WHAT'S UP DOC.
The latter being a major coup, since I can't really tolerate Streisand or O'Neal in much of anything else (there are exceptions).
Good point. Hepburn in BUB is certifiable. But I still want her to get Cary Grant.
Well, she is extremely charming.
I will simply opine (for the fifth time at least) that Kate/Cary totally trumps Kate/Spencer.
Maybe there's a Kate/Spencer movie that can come close to either Holiday or The Philadelphia Story. If so, I haven't seen it.
Heresy. I weep.
P-C knows my KPAX pain.
Honestly, that was the one that put me over the edge. And then dropped me into a swirly pool of lava. Then spit me out the ass-end of an elephant.
I will simply opine (for the fifth time at least) that Kate/Cary totally trumps Kate/Spencer.
A good proportion of Kate/Spencer movies bug me, because they seem to be about feminization/domestication of a headstrong, intelligent woman. Much as it has to recommend about it, I can't watch "Woman of the Year" without getting pissed at the 'comeuppance' Hepburn's character gets. There is a rather unpleasant smugness in the scene in which she is made to feel like a failure as a woman because because she can't cook, nevermind the fact that she's a brilliant political journalist and speaks a dozen languages. Bah!
I have just seen the greatest movie ever made.
No, really.
The Apple is the movie that finally answers the question, "What would life in the far, far future of 1994 be like under a totalitarian disco regime?" And the related question, "Under such a regime, what would be the fate of two wholesome folk musicians from Moosejaw?"
There is music. There is dancing. There is shiny polyester. There is a monorail.
It was made in 1980, but was just released today on DVD, and is only $13 at Amazon.
I think I need to see that movie.
Jessica, you're lying. No movie could possibly be that good.
Don't listen to her. Amazon pairs that movie with
That's gotta mean something.