I think guy-jilting-woman is actually much more interesting
Me too, honestly. I do think that most of the jilting women are completely unsympathetic, and I can't imagine them doing that with a male romantic lead.
Not that I thought Kittredge was a swine -- she assumed the same thing, and that's no respectful way to spend the night before your wedding. At the very least, there was something to discuss.
Sorry, Beej. Haven't seen Desk Set -- which was the main reason I left the possibility open.
I was surprised by the end of
Forces Of Nature,
actually, because I thought that the carefree woman wasn't neurotic enough to not be the right one.
I do hate the carefree-woman-liberates-stuffy-man genre even more than the jilting one.
Does John Cusack jilt the brunette who's not Kate Beckinsale in Serendipity, or does she get fed up with him and call it all off?
Also, how could ita forget a John Cusack-jilting?
Does John Cusack jilt the brunette who's not Kate Beckinsale in Serendipity, or does she get fed up with him and call it all off?
I was thinking about that! I just remember it not happening, but also recall that they came to the decision together.
Extra points are given for altar-jilting. It's the ur-jilt.
I do hate the carefree-woman-liberates-stuffy-man genre even more than the jilting one.
Jumpin' Jehosephat! Me too.
Drew Barrymore MUST sign a document in blood that she agrees never to play that role again. Ever.
I hate that genre with the same firey passion as the you've been abused so you have an excuse for being a serial killer, rapist, fill in the miscreant. Makes. My. Teeth. Itch.
Despite massive JohnC-love, Serendipity made me want to stick something sharp and hot in my eye.
Even the stellar "This one's climbin' the charts." line could not save it for me.
I have absolutely no recollection of the ending. I must have been banging my head on the seatback at the time.
eta: And I'm a maniac for Jeremy Piven. Cupid was my favorite tv show of all eternity. Even he could not save it for me.
I do hate the carefree-woman-liberates-stuffy-man genre even more than the jilting one.
My least favorite is Crazy Person Is Saner Than The Rest Of Us. (With the subsection of Magical Retarded Person ditto ditto ditto.)
I liked
-- I felt that the protagonists didn't go through with their weddings for reasons, although provocked by, eventually unrelated to each other.