Despite massive JohnC-love, Serendipity made me want to stick something sharp and hot in my eye.
Even the stellar "This one's climbin' the charts." line could not save it for me.
I have absolutely no recollection of the ending. I must have been banging my head on the seatback at the time.
eta: And I'm a maniac for Jeremy Piven. Cupid was my favorite tv show of all eternity. Even he could not save it for me.
I do hate the carefree-woman-liberates-stuffy-man genre even more than the jilting one.
My least favorite is Crazy Person Is Saner Than The Rest Of Us. (With the subsection of Magical Retarded Person ditto ditto ditto.)
I liked
-- I felt that the protagonists didn't go through with their weddings for reasons, although provocked by, eventually unrelated to each other.
Magical Retarded Person
See previous comments about Forrest Gump.
::insert strangling noise here::
Off to the 10 o'clock play group with the pooch. Night all!
Being There
made me long for Peter Sellers to watch his own decapitation. Like
My least favorite is Crazy Person Is Saner Than The Rest Of Us.
Which side did KPAX come down on?
Obviously my least favourites involve either magical non-whites or quaint non-American/Brits/whatever.
Ooh! Magical Ganja-Smoking Jamaicans for the trifecta!
Magical Ganja-Smoking Jamaicans for the trifecta!
Swap voodoo for magic, and you'll see me hit the roof. Wishing I was hitting Seagal instead.
Did he do that? Ooh, ick.
Plot Summary for Marked for Death (1990)
Chicago DEA agent John Hatcher has just returned from Colombia, where his partner was killed in the line of duty by a drug dealer who has since been taken down. As a result of his partner's death, John has decided to retire, but his retirement may not be permanent. On the next day, after reuniting with his sister Melissa and Melissa's daughter Tracy, John gets into a shootout against a Jamaican drug kingpin known as Screwface, taking down some of Screwface's men. John brings himself out of retirement when Screwface retaliates by attempting to kill Melissa and Tracy. After the shooting, John is reunited with two old friends - a local high school football coach named Max, and a Jamaican Chicago cop named Charles. John and Max set out to hunt Screwface down, only to discover that Screwface has gone back to Jamaica. John and Max take Charles with them to Jamaica for an all out war against Screwface and his drug empire.
Screwface is also into voodoo.