I have a question about leaving-at-the-altar movies. Well, maybe more than one.
Do we have instances where it's the guy that leaves the girl,
the guy is the sympathetic character? In my memory it's generally the girl that jilts.
In the oh-no-our-heroine-is-marrying-the-wrong-man! stories, it's incumbent upon her to realise the wrongness, and end the relationship just in time, either because it's better to be alone, or to be with the other guy, right?
In and Out?
Yes, yes. Though I wonder if the gay thing sabotages the gender roles even a little.
The Wedding Planner?
I didn't see this -- how did it go?
How about
Four Weddings and a Funeral?
The Wedding Planner had the groom fall in love with J Lo, but he was too honorable and nice to break it off with the bride. Luckily, at the altar, she realized she wasn't ready to be married, and broke it off with him in the nicest fashion possible, and took the honeymoon tickets and went on a self-awakening Grand Tour of someplace like Tahiti. Freeing the groom to go sex up J Lo.
In the same movie, there is some nice guy who is willing to marry J Lo, and everybody seems to want them to be together, except for her (due to the groom). I don't think it gets to the altar, however.
she realized she wasn't ready to be married, and broke it off with him in the nicest fashion possible
Interesting. So he doesn't get to do the leaving.
Sumi -- remind me about 4 Weddings.
Ever After
the prince leaves the hysterically crying Spanish princess at the altar to go marry the Drew Barrymore character.
remind me about 4 Weddings.
I'm not Sumi, but I was going to suggest 4 Weddings too.
Hugh Grant is in love with Andie MacDowell, but she's married to someone else, so he's going to get married to an ex-girlfriend. At his wedding, as people are arriving at the church, he finds out that Andie has got divorced. He starts to go through with the wedding, but at the "does anyone here present object" bit his brother says Hugh's in love with someone else, and Hugh admits that he is. Whereupon his no-longer-bride-to-be punches him in the jaw.
In Ever After the prince leaves the hysterically crying Spanish princess at the altar to go marry the Drew Barrymore character.
I don't think I've seen this either... I am remiss.
Whereupon his no-longer-bride-to-be punches him in the jaw.
Whoot! Why did I forget that? More women deserve to be recipients of righteous ire when the tables are flipped.