Saw Donnie Darko (Director's cut) tonight. No, I hadn't seen any version of it before, and, yes, I am a bad person.
However, going into it knowing almost nothing (I knew it was at least mildly depressing and that Jake Gyllenhall and Drew Barrymore [once I saw her. Very good character. I had that teacher twice. Only once she was male, and the other time significantly older.] were in it.) was a good thing.
I feel like I should see it again 1) to see the non-director's cut and 2)now that I've seen the whole thing. I called the
plane crash as soon as they talked about the dancers flying.
And the smurfs conversation, particularly, cracked me up.
I have this whole thesis on the idea of reality as a dream, but I am sleepy (hopefully enough that I will sleep
despite my issues with things-in-the-dark (currently rabbit-shaped). No I don't have all the lights in the apartment on. That would be wasteful. The ones in the bathroom are off, as I can't see that doorway.), and therefore too lazy to type it out right now or go back and see what people thought of the movie.
I liked it.
And the smurfs conversation, particularly, cracked me up.
Hasn't the creator of the Smurfs agreed that Donnie was right WRT their sex lives?
I saw the Director's Cut recently too. It's still just about my favourite movie of the '00s so far (well perhaps just behind
Mullholland Dr
) and I'd quite happily sit through an extra 320 minutes if it was on offer, but in places it did seem to be trying to
the story a bit too much for my liking (along the lines of the DVD commentary)...of course, even the "official" interpretation offered by Richard Kelly is still completely incoherent, so it's all good.
BTW I saw Richard Kelly interviewed on Oz TV the other night...he's
Is any of the additional footage in the DD Director's Cut, stuff that
included in the deleted scenes section of the DVD?
Jon, there's a whole lot of extrapolated material from the
Philosophy of Time Travel
book that I don't remember seeing on the DVD (and which sets out, if rather cryptically, the "tangent universe" theory of the film).
Guy Pearce, Russell Crowe, and Kevin Spacey. Goddamn, that's a great movie.
Dana speaks the truth.
L.A. Confidential
is fantastic.
I remember being not all that impressed with
Donnie Darko.
I wonder if I should give it another try.
Jon, there's a whole lot of extrapolated material from the Philosophy of Time Travel book that I don't remember seeing on the DVD
I think that stuff is supposed to be from the website.
L.A. Confidential
does indeed rule.
What I don't remember about the Smurfs is where the kids came from. I know there was an origin story, but I have no idea.
See, I feel like I understood the movie, except for where the engine came from, as it seemed like it got sucked back in time, but if you don't tangent, then there's nowhere to get sucked back from, if that makes sense (about it not making sense). I don't know if that means it was over-clarified (on some or all points) or what.
I figured there was less book in the original.
except for where the engine came from, as it seemed like it got sucked back in time, but if you don't tangent
Donnie brought it from the tangent universe to the real universe, causing the possibility of the tangent to no longer exist.