I saw the
Meet the Fockers
promo at
The Bourne Supremacy
last night.
It was definitely one of the better trailers. I also saw a slightly changed trailer for
that includes Jamie Foxx-Jada Pinkett Smith footage and overall seemed to emphasize the Foxx over the Cruise. Interesting. Also, there is this clip in a disco where for no reason you can tell in the context of the trailer Tom Cruise makes this face? I and my friend both laughed outloud.
looks much more like one of those very complicated ads for a phone service than an actual movie.
And what did I learn from
The Bourne Supremacy?
Karl Urban moves very beautifully.
Also - car chases = boring.
And Cellular looks much more like one of those very complicated ads for a phone service than an actual movie.
The poster I saw made me do a double-take. It's like Clive Owen's BMW movies in reverse.
I liked the chase in Bourne. It's no
or anything -- but I liked it.
The largest impact that
has on me is to remind me to turn my phone off.
I just read that 6'2 Christian Bale dropped down to 120 pounds for
The Machinist.
That's going to make it extra hard to watch.
Yikes. That's gonna be painful to see and I don't want to think about what it's done to his metabolism.
It's no Ronin, or anything -- but I liked it.
God, that was amazing. Gives me chills everytime I see it (much like The French Connection).
LIked the Bourne car chase, too. Didn't mind the length at all. Was pleased to see Urban without funny hair and armoured shoulders--now all that's left is to see him in a movie where his principal expression isn't--well, constipated.
I finally saw Master and Commander and now I'm kicking myself repeatedly for not seeing it in the theater.
Although I have a feeling I might have felt seasick.
It was beautiful. I saw it twice. I get queasy kind of easy in movies (the handheld camera stuff in "Bourne Supremacy" made me ill), but got no queasiness in "Master and Commander." If it ever gets re-released in theaters, go.
I just read that 6'2 Christian Bale dropped down to 120 pounds for The Machinist. That's going to make it extra hard to watch.
I've seen footage - it's more frightening than any horror movie I've gone to this year. But I don't believe for a minute that Bale is actually 6'2" unless Frances McDormand is 6'5". Still, 120 is dangerous for anyone bigger than Seth Green.
So, it would seem that Alien vs Predator sucks.
I saw it last night with friends, and all three of us came out feeling that it came very close to being a perfect movie.
We thought it perfectly blended elements of both series (*and* the AvP comic) in just the right amounts. This was the first Alien movie to give us well lit full body shots of the aliens that moved really convincingly, looked good, and didn't at all look like a guy in a suit.
It told a decent story in an interesting and exciting way, without overreaching or taking itself too seriously. It was well paced, and ran the perfect length (I never once looked at my watch, and just when I was thinking about doing so, the climax came and the movie was over). The acting was good, and the female lead enjoyable.
I came out of it happier than I've come out of a movie in a long time. There was some silly/campy stuff, but it was in just the right amounts and in just the right places.
I thought it was one of the most satisfying films I've seen all year.
So all because of Sean K, I went to see AvP. It wasn't bad. Definitely worth the $5.00 matinee price. I didn't really care too much about the human characters (except the female lead was OK), but the fight scenes were cool.
The funniest part of the movie was when some kids near me were talking. One boy replied to his friends/family: "That's not scary; that's action!"
This was the first Alien movie to give us well lit full body shots of the aliens that moved really convincingly, looked good, and didn't at all look like a guy in a suit.
Sean is right about this.
eta: I think it could have been much better, though. And what's up with the PG-13 rating?