If someone broke into my apartment right now, I'd throw Ruby at him.
Nothing spells "surprise" more than a cat hurled at your face, claws extended.
For some reason this reminds of the moment in POINT BREAK when Swayze (in Reagan mask and tux no less) throws a large DOG at the persuing Keanu Reeves. The sequence alread evoked memories of the foot chase scene in RAISING ARIZONA, but that moment put the movie into permanent guilty pleasure heaven for me.
Nothing spells "surprise" more than a cat hurled at your face, claws extended.
And nothing guarantees a cat will use its claws to their best advantage like picking up an unsuspecting cat and hurling it at someone's face.
Cats are great weapons.
Dammit, I knew there was a downside to keeping my cat's nails trimmed.
Now I am brainwormed with images of Ninja Cats, swords and claws at the ready ...
Too bad my cat has no claws and no teeth. His blubber might suffocate the attacker, if my toss was on target, but then again he might just lick the attacker to death.
One of my friends, who has fought in K-1 and who can use any kind of gun known to man, sleeps with a katana next to his bed. He figures it's more visually terrifying and less likely to go through the walls and kill the neighbors.
Found on the Whedonesque lj announcement blog:
Director Bryan Singer and 20th Century Fox have officially parted company, this could impact the schedule release date of May 3, 2006. Article finishes by mentioning Cinescapes (sic) rescent (sic) poll where the fans named Joss as their ideal replacement.
What are the chances?
Would a studio really give him such a major franchise at this point? What feature films has Joss directed? Just the one and it's not out yet. He has done good work on 3 tv franchises of the studio -- is this enough?
Does Joss have a development deal with 20th century?
I have a feeling that the chances are very slim. I also have no idea -- have heard no rumors -- about who they have been looking at.
Hey -- I got kind of a cool number.
Also, would the STARS have any say in this? Like, if Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen et al. refused to work with one person or demanded another -- would that happen? Would the studio comply?
It's one of their big money-making series, right?
Does Joss have a development deal with 20th century?
Yes. A huge, fat, enormous development deal.