Found on the Whedonesque lj announcement blog:
Director Bryan Singer and 20th Century Fox have officially parted company, this could impact the schedule release date of May 3, 2006. Article finishes by mentioning Cinescapes (sic) rescent (sic) poll where the fans named Joss as their ideal replacement.
What are the chances?
Would a studio really give him such a major franchise at this point? What feature films has Joss directed? Just the one and it's not out yet. He has done good work on 3 tv franchises of the studio -- is this enough?
Does Joss have a development deal with 20th century?
I have a feeling that the chances are very slim. I also have no idea -- have heard no rumors -- about who they have been looking at.
Hey -- I got kind of a cool number.
Also, would the STARS have any say in this? Like, if Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen et al. refused to work with one person or demanded another -- would that happen? Would the studio comply?
It's one of their big money-making series, right?
Does Joss have a development deal with 20th century?
Yes. A huge, fat, enormous development deal.
...the fans named Joss as their ideal replacement.
Nah, it'll never happen. It can't. Joss'll be too busy working on BDM2 and BDM3.
Sigh. Too bad he can't clone himself. Because the only thing that would make me even MORE anxious for X3 would be if Joss were directing it.
Not that I have any problem with the ideas of BDM2 and BDM3.
But if, say a certain blood thirsty exec producer of Firefly was writing BDM 2, Joss could direct X3 in the meantime.
I was thinking that, Sue. 2 was promised to Tim, no?
I think Tim did say something about Joss asking him to write 2.