I'd dart for the walking stick.
The military tradition of the Hefty Stick is almost as long as that of the Sizable Rock. A noble weapon indeed.
But really, there are two knives hanging over the door within arm's length of me -- I can get those on retreat, and the attacker is less likely to notice them and use them.
Unless he's a Leggy fan, and then he'd recognize them instantly.
Unless he's a Leggy fan, and then he'd recognize them instantly.
You don't have to be a Legolas fan to work out they're knives, and being one won't tell you where they are.
I don't think.
If someone broke into my apartment right now, I'd throw Ruby at him.
Nothing spells "surprise" more than a cat hurled at your face, claws extended.
Don't forget the boiling oil. You should ALWAYS keep a pot of boiling oil on the stove for safety's sake.
Ah, STRAW DOGS is such a handy movie for impromptu self-defense in the face of overwhelming numbers, isn't it?
The ones we sent you?
Ayup. So y'all'd be keeping me safe.
You don't have to be a Legolas fan to work out they're knives, and being one won't tell you where they are.
That's why your choice of placement is brialliant. The way they're sort of hung there like you might hang a purse off a door handle -- a frequently used tool, ready to go at a moment's notice -- rather than on display on the wall or something, plus that specialized sheath for them... I can see how an interloper in your apartment, especially at night, might not really be able to figure out what they were, or might not even notice them at all.
That's not exactly where you expect someone to keep two combat knives (bordering on short swords). Particularly not the unassuming woman who lives there (if he's seen you already).
I imagine he'd be very surpised indeed when you drew one (oh, *that's* what those are...) and buried it in him.
If someone broke into my apartment right now, I'd throw Ruby at him.
Nothing spells "surprise" more than a cat hurled at your face, claws extended.
For some reason this reminds of the moment in POINT BREAK when Swayze (in Reagan mask and tux no less) throws a large DOG at the persuing Keanu Reeves. The sequence alread evoked memories of the foot chase scene in RAISING ARIZONA, but that moment put the movie into permanent guilty pleasure heaven for me.
Nothing spells "surprise" more than a cat hurled at your face, claws extended.
And nothing guarantees a cat will use its claws to their best advantage like picking up an unsuspecting cat and hurling it at someone's face.
Cats are great weapons.
Dammit, I knew there was a downside to keeping my cat's nails trimmed.