I mentioned it earlier in the debate, but again one should not underestimate the usefulness of the Sizable Rock.
It was the weapon of choice for thousands of years! It's ubiquitous, it can be used as a missle weapon or hand to hand. Sure, it (usually) has no edge, but it requires no manufacturing and no tools to maintain.
Plus, you never run out of ammo.
Unless you're standing in grassy plain. Or a boat on the water.
Plus, you never run out of ammo.
Tales from your kitchen suddenly make a lot more sense.
There is neither a rock nor a baseball bat in my kitchen. And I'm sticking to the my kitchen scenario, since that's where I am. Well, I'm not in the kitchen right now, but anywhere else in my apartment, I'm out the door or window asap. I only live on the second floor, and the window in my bedroom leads to the fire escape, so really it's just from the living room if the front door is blocked that I'd actually have to jump.
I keep a personalized Reds baseball bat from the Louisville Slugger museum in my living room. For the coolness.
Oooh. Want.
I keep an aluminum baseball bat (the first one I ever owned, way back when) under my bed. I can hit home runs, so, like I said, I can damn well fuck someone up with it.
I mentioned it earlier in the debate, but again one should not underestimate the usefulness of the Sizable Rock.
Crap. Have no rocks in apartment. (Though I could knock someone unconscious with one of my English anthologies from college.)
If someone was breaking in through my front door right now, I'd dart for the walking stick. It's between me and the door, so not creating good distance. But I've played with it a lot, and I'd hate for the attacker to pick it up. But really, there are two knives hanging over the door within arm's length of me -- I can get those on retreat, and the attacker is less likely to notice them and use them.
Tales from your kitchen suddenly make a lot more sense.
I have no idea what this is insinuating, but I'm going to go make some rice from a tube by bashing it a lot with a rock.
If I had telekinetic powers, which television has led me to believe I can have (BTVS and Teen Titans, I'm looking at youse), then intruders would be no problem, damn it.
Sean, you can kill the mold with the rock.
I'd dart for the walking stick.
The military tradition of the Hefty Stick is almost as long as that of the Sizable Rock. A noble weapon indeed.
But really, there are two knives hanging over the door within arm's length of me -- I can get those on retreat, and the attacker is less likely to notice them and use them.
Unless he's a Leggy fan, and then he'd recognize them instantly.
Unless he's a Leggy fan, and then he'd recognize them instantly.
You don't have to be a Legolas fan to work out they're knives, and being one won't tell you where they are.
I don't think.