As a kravver, we're told we'll get cut in a knife fight, so just suck it up and don't be startled and hope you take them out before they get in a good one.
The winner of the knife fight is the one who ends up in hospital.
Well, if I'm in a fight in my apartment with anyone with any training (or anyone else, really), I'm pretty much screwed anyway, and would jump out the window or something, rather than going for the steak knives.
How much fun is that!?! Get back here! I'll bite yer legs off.
IMDB only lists 2 songs from the White Nights soundtrack--Say You, Say Me and Separate Lives. Both Horribly Wonderful.
And on the weapon tool front, here's this little beauty (I own one, excellent for camping):
Ugly Tool
Those songs
to be covered, lisah.
Jesse is me in the "knife is too general a category for me to paint them all with the same brush" corner. A sword is a weapon; a throwing knife is a weapon; I'll even venture that a Bowie knife is a weapon (although damned useful for other things too) -- but nothing in my kitchen is a weapon until it is being used that way.
Not even a cleaver!
Jesse is me in the "knife is too general a category for me to paint them all with the same brush" corner.
Jesse's not in that corner anymore. We threatened to hit her with a hammer and she came out.
Hammers aren't ANYWHERE near as good weapons.
I was going to make a point about warhammers, but Hec beat me to it, and now I feel deprived of verbal sparring with ita.
I'll just sit here being quietly bitter.
Except to say that I think that regular run of the mill hammers are probably just as effective as kitchen knives for home defense - possibly less dangerous to your opponent, but less likelyhood of accidentally opening an artery.