No, he's not. That's just schtick for the show.
IMDb has NO fact checking. Bastards.
But still they keep trying to force actually good HK actors of similar backgrounds into clunky vehicles --
They think all we want is to watch these guys hit stuff.
And they're not far off -- we'd just like to see a little quality filmmaking to go along with the hitting stuff.
t geek
We did a quick Ravenloft adventure using Mani and Fronsac as the two PCs. It rocked. It was also easy to roleplay thanks to Le Bihan and Dacascos as actors.
t /geek
(I'm so proud of you).
Speaking of Asian/Asian-American actors I want more of:
Russell Wong.
Russell, ahh, Russell.
Not a bad fighter either.
So, I clicked on the pictures for Russell, and then saw that the next picture over was of "Sam."
Curious, I clicked, and discovered it was Sam Gamgee's hands being featured. Then trying to remember when Sam ever wore spectacles, I clicked on the link for Sam spectacled, and discovered pictures of Sam Rockwell and Samuel L. Jackson in glasses.
This increased my curiosity as to the "wet" pictures, so I followed that link.
ita, who in the hell is the wet "Sam" with the bear skin on his chest? 'Cuz gross.
You're dissing Sam Elliott? But he's the man.
::adds bug to fix list::
Hey, hey, hey, now. Back offa Sam Elliott.
he's so dreamy
And ita, can I just say, you are my hero?!
eta: xpost on the sam lust
You're dissing Sam Elliott?
That was Sam Elliott??? When was that taken? Maybe he looked so different because he was all wet, but I didn't recognize him.
(Although I was thinking to myself "What an awful moustache! The only guy who can wear a moustache like that and pull it off is Sam Elliott." Yes, perhaps my mind was trying to tell me something....)