It's called Close my Eyes I think. Clive is naked in it, a lot. Not a great film, but, you know, naked Clive and some interesting clothed moments as well.
ETA--I saw Intimacylast night. It starts a Mark Rylance, who is a very well-respected stage actor who does the occasional movie. This film had an actual blow job (or I guess shots of one) in it on release, which caused a big stir at the time, but it was cut for cable TV. It's about a couple who meet once a week for anonymous sex, until, inevitably, it all goes bad. Rylance and Kerry Fox, the female lead, were both very good, very nuanced, and the always brilliant Timothy Spall is excellent but the film didn't ultimately seem to amount to much. Once you get past the, wow, these sex scenes are very realistic, aren't they? factor, the rest of the story is awfully slight with delusions of profundity.
I don't know Eric Bana from Adam, so I can't really opine on what kind of Bond he'd make, but I do think that either Jackman or Owen could have filled out the tux nicely. Ah well.
Saw Down with Love the other day. Very cute!
Sue was right. Now Coming is reporting that Bana hasn't even been approached to be Bond and AFP picked up the report from the News of the World.
I just happened upon "How to Steal a Million." I had NO IDEA Peter O'Toole was so disturbingly sexy. Brilliant, yes, I knew that, but he's so smooth and charming and adorable. I think I only know him from his more character-y roles. And Audrey Hepburn..perfection as always. Why have I never seen this charming little confection?
HTSAM has to be my favorite vintage O'Toole. It was where I first encountered him, and his blue, blue eyes. He and Hepburn were just divine together, even though both of them did grittier stuff authentically. O'Toole didn't get to do light comedy often.
I have trouble deciding if "Million" with O'Toole is my favorite Hepburn movie, or the much more well-known Charade, with Grant.
Just got back from watching
Well... the songs were nice.
Looks like Teppy gets to add one to her zombie army.
Nah, De-Lovely isn't a deal-breaker for me. I liked it well enough, but I'm glad I only paid matinee price, because it had some problems. (Though despite those problems, part of me wants to see it again.)
So I just watched the
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
trailer, along with the clip. Is there a pull for the movie besides the cast and being a special effects extravaganza? I mean, it looks cool and all, action-packed and retro-futuristic, but I was wondering whether the hype surrounding it had to do with more than the fact that everything is CGI but the actors.
I had NO IDEA Peter O'Toole was so disturbingly sexy.
Ah, but now you have learned!
And are wiser for it.
I had a deeply disturbing Peter O'Toole crush going when I was 20 or so. This lead to me watching Caligula for class credit, among the other highlights.