Also, she wanted a Hugh Jackman Bond and then is complaining that Eric Bana is too old, but Eric and Hugh are the same age.
I was going to say, also, that you can't have a Bond younger than a certain age, or else he will come across as a sociopathic wunderkind. Like, license to kill at age 25? I fear him. License to kill at 33, a little less so.
I fear him.
Aren't you supposed to?
How old is he in the books, when he gets all empowered?
BTW, a friend of mine is v. worried (not having seen any of his work except Hulk) that Eric Bana will be Timothy Daltonish as Bond. I think she is wrong, but still think that it should be Clive Owen. Clearly.
The picture of Clive Owen in the lastest EW under the "Who Will Be The Next Bond?" column is awful. Honestly, I didn't know it was possible to make him look bad, but they managed it.
Yes, perhaps I went a little far with one particular hypothetical scenario, but it amuses me to no end.
Now I'm imagining Manchurian Candidate 2: The Revenge, starring Carrot Top as The Candidate.
Now I'm imagining Manchurian Candidate 2: The Revenge, starring Carrot Top as The Candidate.
See, that wouldn't work, cause 1-800-COLLECT would take him out almost immediately.
The problem in casting Bond is that he has to be rugged enough to be an action adventure hero, be sophisticated enough to make the tux/baccarat scenes work, and have enough charisma for the women to fall all over him. Not easy to find that combo.
I only know Bana's work from Troy. He has the rugged and the charisma, but not so certain about the sophisticated.
Aren't you supposed to?
No, you're supposed to swoon and want to be him/do him. The villains are supposed to fear him. I don't think they give an age in the books, except that he's probably been all the way through the war. I don't think the character actually ages at all in the books -- AFAIK time doesn't pass for him.
He has the rugged and the charisma, but not so certain about the sophisticated.
I'm not even sure he has the charisma. At least, I've never found him particularly compelling to watch.
I'm not even sure he has the charisma.
I'll give you that. I'm not the best judge on the type of man that would appeal to women....
unless Hearst and Marion Wassname were having loud, vocal sex in public, how did people know what body parts had pet names?
In that book that Welles did with Peter Bogdonovich, IIRC, Welles said that the rosebud story was pretty well-known when CK came out because a disgruntled servant had passed it to the gossip magazines. Although, now that I think about it, I may have read that somewhere else.
I'm a big fan of the original Manchurian Candidate. Y'all think it's worth seeing the remake?
Welles said that the rosebud story was pretty well-known when CK came out because a disgruntled servant had passed it to the gossip magazines.
::makes note to be sure that all servants that know intimate details of my sex-life are gruntled::