This kind of stuff is just randomly happening to people across the countryside without any particular triggering event?
If you're in the eeeeeeeevil forrrrrrrrrrest, it is. So, stay out of the eeeeeeeeeeeeevil forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrest.
Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.
Well, in the previous movies it was actually some schmo (or tape recorder) reading out of the Necronomicon itself that summoned the demons and started all the badness. While I understand that not reciting the proper verse while playing the world's most horrific version of three card monty actually raised the titular army, it just seems very weird that there were Liliputian Ashes running all over the place for no particular reason.
Well, the third movie was originally supposed to be the second movie, while the second movie is just a remake of the first movie. Meanwhile, the car from the second movie didn't actually show up in the third movie, and, besides, the stock-clerk at S-Mart (Ash) makes himself a prosthetic robotic hand using nothing more than midieval technology. In other words . . . .
Eeeeeeeeeeevil forrrrrrrrrrrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, finally saw Matrix Revolutions. Now we can return it to Netflix.
After viewing, it's not much of a wonder that we had it in our home, unwatched for THREE months.
Now, we just need to watch Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and then it's Notorious C.H.O and Hellboy! Whee!
Have I mentioned how we suck at watching movies?
OK, so I'm watching Army of Darkness on TV this afternoon. Admittedly, looking for sense in an Evil Dead movie is probably futile, but I didn't remember from viewing a decade ago that all the creepy stuff with Ash's mirror images at the windmill happened before he improperly grabbed the Necronomicon.
I think there may have been some creative for-TV editing, Matt. Because every version (and there are a couple, a la Blade Runner) I've seen has that happen after he fucked up the quote from The Day The Earth Stood Still.
Now that I've seen
The Bourne Supremacy,
it's doubleplusfunny that Nutty should have asked about krav and rolled up magazines, considering today's class was
get the stick, beat up the guy with the knife.
Not that it always works, but it's a really good place to start.
Watching the original Manchurian Candidate on PBS right now.
Yahoo is reporting that Eric Bana will be the next James Bond.
I don't think I've seen him in anything, so I'm not sure what to think about that.
This report says the report comes from the News of the World. So not a definitive source.