It sounded like the least appetizing thing possible even when sober, but he swore by it.
In Salt Lake, there was a restaurant called Bill & Nada's, which was a landmark. It was open 24 hrs, had groovy pinball machines, old 1950's jukeboxes (with the original music!), and served brains & eggs, which is exactly what it sounds like. Nada died decades ago, and Bill still lived in his house across the street from the cafe until about 2 years ago, when he passed away. He made his family and the employees promise that, when he died, they'd close, so, they did.
In an aside, I once saw Roseanne Arnold, or Barr, or whatever, in there. She was a bitch.
a yiros dripping with garlic sauce
Do you mean a gyro?
Okay, are people purposely having Natter's gyro discussion here? It's weirding me out.
The only solution for the few hangovers I've had has been to skip all the cures and food remedies and head straight for the puking. Works every time, whether I want it to or not.
I've been fortunate. Though I rarely drink to excess, the times that I could reasonably have expected a hangover have avoided it by either falling asleep in the shower or waking up still drunk the next day.
I seriously think that White Castle increases your hangover by 50%.
I feel the same about McDonalds.
There used to be a Taco Bell on State St. in Madison. Drunken students would come in, scarf down a taco (only 59 cents!), step outside and vomit it up, and come back in for another one.
There used to be a Taco Bell on State St. in Madison.
Is it now a Qdoba's? I went there.
Though I rarely drink to excess, the times that I could reasonably have expected a hangover have avoided it by either falling asleep in the shower or waking up still drunk the next day.
Oh god. I vastly prefer just puking it out straightaway. Waking up still drunk is extremely unpleasant. I'm not usually a big drinker, either, but I must note, to my shame, that one of the few times I drank enough to make me sick was when I was staying with Min (Min! where have you gone?) in Brisbane, at her parents' house. I went out with a few friends of hers and came home extremely trashed at 3am and proceeded to puke in her driveway. I am a horrible guest, but she was very gracious about it, for which I am grateful.
Is it now a Qdoba's? I went there.
edit: Speaking of Madison and puking--I don't think I've vomited from drinking since I lived in Madison. I think the last time was in '89.
I've never lived in a place with White Castles, but I understand that they're like Krystalburgers without mustard. That said, the Alamo Drafthouse (which I understand is going to start spreading out to other cities) here held a road rally a couple of weeks back in which the participants had to find the secret set-up-just-for-the-occasion White Castle. The Alamo screened the movie and had the director and stars waiting for people. Sounds like it was fun, if you're, y'know, incredibly high.
White Castle burgers
heh- let's not even get into the foods one would eat when high.
But suffice it to say, not generally as gross as MacDonalds and its ilk. Usually crunchier. Or ice-creamier. Mmm.