I haven't puzzled out what makes this one of the best screenplays ever
But...but...okay, trying to come up with a sentence more substantial than "Because it's so good!!" here, and obviously not doing very well. But it is anyway.
I like about half of The Graduate. The ending and most of the second half of the film leading up to it makes me roll my eyes.
I love Chinatown but I'm just not up to launching a defense of it, either.
Fred, you should really see The Godfather uncut. It's too good for network TV.
And I can't stand The Graduate, with all its phoney-baloney "realism" and pseudo-conflicts. Maybe it connected with some people from the late 60s, but I suspect it was the same crowd who liked Love Story.
Anyone seen Amateur by Hal Hartley? This is one wacky movie.
I love that movie.
Maybe it connected with some people from the late 60s, but I suspect it was the same crowd who liked Love Story.
Well, my parents love The Graduate, and can't stand Love Story. Sadly, my sample size renders this study statistically insignificant.
Well, you have more statistics than my conjectured sample.
Time to do a Student's t-test, paired!
Wizard News has a couple of casting rumors/spoilers for HPGoF tonight.
Well, you have more statistics than my conjectured sample.
Sometimes I want to get a list of all the movies my parents do like, just so I can see if there's any method to the madness.
Thus far, with a couple of exceptions such as The African Queen, the common bond between movies seems to be Were Released While They Were My Age More or Less. (They're also big fans of A Man for All Seasons and Five Easy Pieces.)
I haven't puzzled out what makes this one of the best screenplays ever, but again, I liked it.
As a screenplay and movie, it is one of the most perfect examples of story structure ever made. Beyond that, I personally enjoyed it for its this-is-way-more-messed-up-than-you-think. Plus the whole not-happy-ending.
I really liked the way The Graduate was directed, but I think it's more an interesting period piece than a Great Movie.
but I suspect it was the same crowd who liked Love Story.
I liked LS. As a pleasant couple of hours, not as anything that has any resemblance to real life.
It's a '40s melodrama in '70 costume.
And will try Godfather uncut.