I can do without
21 Jump Street.
I loved SotL. Tim will probably make one that actually scares me. So Fox greenlighed a 21JS show, and then hired Tim to completely rewrite it into SotL. That's just weird.
The only horror movies that really do me in are the Japanese and Japanese-inspired ones. And yet, I still watch them.
You mean Fox didn't like anything about the show except a couple of the actors, and they went ahead and green-lighted it anyway?
Were goat sacrifices involved?
Could we just have the Depp? And the dark? Because those are two great things that taste great together.
Very excited about this. Rachel's not bad to look at, either.
21 Jump Street. Silence of the Lambs
scares me to no end, and I don't really like being scared, but:
Tim gutted it. Kept Rachel, another actor, and the title, and changed the entire premise of the show.
Damn. I love me some Tim. For Tim, I would consent to being scared well and often. If only it were on some network, not Fox, all would be good. I suppose that might make it too easy.
Perhaps it won't be
Tim gutted it. Kept Rachel, another actor, and the title, and changed the entire premise of the show.
How do the creators feel about that?
Thrilled to have Tim on board? I hope...
I mean, I'm sure they're happy their show's getting to air...but it doesn't sound like it's their show anymore. Granted, Tim's show sounds better. I'm just saying.
An ok show that dies before airing or absolutely wonderful show with Tim that airs. I would go with the latter. Sure, it will likely die a few episodes later, but at least it airs. That has to be a step up.
Bitter, me? Naah. If it's possible to be an embittered optimist, that's me when it comes to Tim or Joss TV.