Matt, I think with a first PBP-like event, it's not so bad. They can't guarantee that actors and writers will be there, they can only advertise it as a fan party, so you only get the people who are interested in meeting each other.
I don't know if they can accomplish it. They seem to not so much understand the scope, so far.
Whew! I mean, I went over and took a look around today (having free time, being all caught up here, and seeing that TwoP was having its Nth server meltdown of the month), and it looked to me as if the Fuselage has a two year headstart on the chatlice infestation that hit the Bronze. I cannot imagine the nightmare of trying to coordinate a gathering of such a group.
Heh. We'll invite Tim. In the offchance he appears, you can be his seekrit service. You must, of course, wear dark sunglasses and talk into your watch, periodically.
Ha! What do they call it? Close body protection?
ita's pinky needs a holster.
Allyson, I'd totally go if it wasn't for this whole pregnancy thing.
Close body protection?
Somehow that sounds as if you'd need to be equipped with an 8-track player and bowmp-chicka-wa-wa music rather than an earphone.
you'd need to be equipped with an 8-track player and bowmp-chicka-wa-wa music rather than an earphone.
How about an iPod playing "Mah na mah na"?
"I Wonder Why the Wonderfalls" just came on Winamp. I'm thinking of Caroline Dhavernas dancing around the store in the video. Aw. Mmm. *sniff*