That's too bad. I have a lot of wisdom on the matter.
agreed. in fact, before they got all ass-y i was going to email you and tell you about them. they are such damn fools that they didn't realize that they're board admin was a PBPc member and were slamming them left and right. i think Karri handled herself well.
followed by a party for the fans at the Renaissance like our preparty
the Renaissance!! now i really want to go. i really love that hotel. i kinda missed it last year. the Century Plaza was too swanky for the likes of me.
Um, that was me, way way back in the day. I couldn't take the mile long shout outs, and all the !!!!!!!11!!!!1!.
ah, see. those are good reasons why you didn't make it. these people couldn't hack it because they're incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation.
Is it awfully snobbish of me to think (and say) that Lost's more widespread appeal is going to torpedo any fannish efforts at putting together a workable PBP, whereas smaller, more elite groups of genre fans like the early Bronze, the Farscape fans, etc. have enough cohesion and SF con experience to actually pull such off without it degenerating into a teenybopper starfucker mess?
I was the one making the snide comments about handing out starfucker identifier tags. I feel I am not in a position to judge anyone's snobbishness.
Matt, I think with a first PBP-like event, it's not so bad. They can't guarantee that actors and writers will be there, they can only advertise it as a fan party, so you only get the people who are interested in meeting each other.
I don't know if they can accomplish it. They seem to not so much understand the scope, so far.
Whew! I mean, I went over and took a look around today (having free time, being all caught up here, and seeing that TwoP was having its Nth server meltdown of the month), and it looked to me as if the Fuselage has a two year headstart on the chatlice infestation that hit the Bronze. I cannot imagine the nightmare of trying to coordinate a gathering of such a group.
Heh. We'll invite Tim. In the offchance he appears, you can be his seekrit service. You must, of course, wear dark sunglasses and talk into your watch, periodically.
Ha! What do they call it? Close body protection?
ita's pinky needs a holster.