I got the Star Wars DVD's, and I cringe everywhere Lucas messed with them. In the cantina, if Han hadn't fired first, Han would be dead, because Greedo was 3 feet away, and nobody's that bad a shot. I found everything he added to be jarring, distracting, and pointless.
It's like these Star Wars movies are to the ones I remember, what Michael Jackson's current face is to Michael Jackson's face circa 1982. It may have been what they wanted, and they had the money and technology to accomplish it, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
It's too bad no one had the guts to tell them "leave it the fuck alone, it's fine the way it is."
Oh, plenty of people had the guts. Lucas was just too busy listening to his consultants—his two kids.
Quick, somebody kidnap Lucas' kids, force them to watch Farscape, then give them back.
They've been watching their dad's stuff round the clock for years. Lost cause.
Clearly we have to transplant the brains of David Kemper and Rockne O'Bannon into their bodies.
Screw that, Matt. Go for Froon. Much scarier.
Interesting side note: Apparently George Lucas and his kids are Joss Whedon fans.
Interesting side note: Apparently George Lucas and his kids are Joss Whedon fans.
I choose to believe that this means they really like the Buffy movie, and
the Buffy movie, because it's the only thing that makes sense.
Oh, they probably like Alien: Ressurection, too.
I don't know. I've seen a lot of fanfic out there that's worse (and completely misses the point more) than Clones.
Lucas just gets a budget for his badfic.
Amen. I got hit on recently by a guy who keyed on the fact that I'm a Buffy fan. Things went OK until he started telling me about the outline for Buffy Season 8 that he mailed to Joss (and was angry that it didn't immediately get filmed). Thankfully, I hadn't given out a phone number. Would that I'd given a pseudonym...