Anakin : I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
You know, Betsy, you picked the *one* line I always come back to when I talk about how I was scarred by Ep II. Hayden Christenson delivers this line in such a smarmy tone, and then
bites his lip and stares at Amidala's boobs.
Gut reaction stated as gut reaction.
edit for quick-edit and to state that I have lots more to say, but am still recovering from a high-volume argument in a public space about Prequels vs. Original vs. LotR and shall abstain.
We rented the first Star Wars (episode 4, I guess) for the kids, this weekend. I found a site listing the changes between the 1997 release, and the 2000 release (which, given Jabba's appearance, I'd say this was). Is there any site that lists the changes between the original cinematic release, and either the '97 or 2000 version. I swear to Joss the film I showed to my kids this weekend was not my Star Wars.
Don't know about any site, but off the top of my head the changes from the original release included (not counting random special effects additions here):
- An additional/expanded scene with Veru and Lars about Luke
- The scene with the droids hiding from the Stormtroopers.
- Guido fires first in the special edition (which looked really, really dumb) and at the same time as Han in the DVD release.
- Scene with Han and Jabba (my only issue with it is Han steps on Jabba. I can understand Jabba willing to give Han a second chance, but I don't see him getting away with stepping on him. [I realize the scene was originally shot with a human actor and they had to do something about Han walking behind him, but it's still really dumb.])
- Scene with Luke and Biggs before attacking the Death Star.
- A crapload more fighters take off from the Rebel Base
There's probably more, but that's what I can remember.
Guido fires first in the special edition (which looked really, really dumb) and at the same time as Han in the DVD release.
Which is the special edition?
Did they cut some of C3PO and R2D2 wandering through the desert? Also, was the scene where Leia makes the recording always right at the beginning? Did they futz with the bar scene (other than the Guido/Han shooting bit)?
Here's the changes from the original release to the 1997 re-release:
Cindy, you can borrow my original VHS tapes anytime. And copy them 100 times and possibly make a pirate Criterion Collection digital copy, for the posterity that will ensue someday.
Someone told me I could convert my Laserdiscs to DVD. I might look into that someday.
Yes, I believed George Lucas when he said it was the last time I could buy the original trilogy.
Yes, I believed George Lucas when he said it was the last time I could buy the original trilogy.
Well, he wasn't lying, really.
Never said he was. But I know people who, at the time, thought it was a bullshit marketing ploy.
Now they weep at the not-so-special editions.
There was no emotional pull, just annoyance with Jar Jar and mini-Vader.
Oh, I'd say there was emotional pull. In two hours Jar Jar managed to inspire a depth of loathing in me that it took Andrew a season and a half of Buffy episodes to rival.