agreed. did you catch some of the Geo/Bezoar/Hel Sparrow crap on some of the boards. talk about nutcases. *snerk*
Also Sepiroth. Because tag teaming nutcases are so much more .... unpleasant. I even saw a post or two from the "I HAET this ShoW Bcuz Willo is a Lezbo" folks. And really, that was SO over by the sping of 2001. You think they would have at least learned to spell by then.
There's a lot of stuff I seem to have forgotten. Like, that I had a rocket launcher. I don't even remember how I acquired it.
Well, knowing, you, violence was likely involved.
HA! That is who, I'm pretty sure, I was playing the violin for.
I hope it was the world's tiniest violin.
How many freaking names did he end up having in the end?
HA! umm...can we count that high? i honestly don't know. the ones i can remember off the top of my head are: Geo/Bezoar/HelSpider/HelSparrow/SparrowtheHellSpider/Karmic.
Also Sepiroth. Because tag teaming nutcases are so much more .... unpleasant.
what was priceless was reading Sephiroth telling Geo what was appropriate behaviour! hahahahahaha!!
There's a lot of stuff I seem to have forgotten. Like, that I had a rocket launcher. I don't even remember how I acquired it.
Well, knowing, you, violence was likely involved.
as if she with the shovel has any room to talk.
'stina had a shotgun. She's from Texas.
All i had was a foul mouth.
as if she with the shovel has any room to talk.
You know, you threaten boards full of posters, bean a few bezoars and bury the bodies, and suddenly you get a reputation for violence ....
I love my old school dead gay bitch cabal.
If I had discovered message boards before 1998, I would have been a Penlind. I don't know how obvious what I am about to say is, but the driving need behind (at least my own) elaborate lie facade was less sympathy and more masochism.
Each time I got caught, I was flooded with hypocritical rage and shame, and as I was/am suffering from depression, those moments were the only times I felt strong emotion. I would still defend myself, often beyond conclusive demonstrations of proof.
Sympathy given while the lies held up was often nice, a little comforting, but what I wanted was to be caught.
alienprayer, that's so fascinating. I consider getting caught lying such a horror that I really don't lie that much. My fear of being caught is tremendous. The idea that it's the
for some people never even occurred to me.
Really fascinating.
And horrible.
The idea that it's the draw for some people never even occurred to me.
Adrianna Huffington made the comment that subconsciously Gov. McGreevy of NJ wanted to be out of the closet so much that he took really stupid risks (by putting his alleged lover on the state payroll in a high-profile position) in order to get caught.
I kinda get that, Narrator. Because McGreevey being caught is a means to an end that I can understand (though there are more straightforward routes to the goal).
However, I'm translating (pardon the presumptiveness, alienprayer, because this is real to you, and just theoretical to me, and I think it's marvellous that you can talk about it so openly, and hope that means you're much better) this to cutting, and oh! I get it. Not that I have cut, but the clarity of an intense yet unpleasant sensation ... yeah, if you can't get it healthily, suddenly it makes more sense.
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive
she would have fit in just fine if she hadn't lied to us. she often brought up many interesting debates for the topiccy folks.
That's what I was thinking in rereading. She was very well spoken/written and seemed fairly knowledgable on a variety of interesting subjects. She would have done just fine on her own.
Me, too. I was reading over some of her classical mythology-based Buffy spec. I'd remembered her talking about that, but no particulars, other than the hero's journey. There was no need for the fakery. I also suddenly have my suspicions, but um, have to remind myself this was 3 years ago, and it doesn't matter. /Bronze things...things of Bronze
Cindy - one or two of the boards i uploaded have Penlind's TA, "Tom", posting. i'm guessing that is who you were talking about.
Yep! I just found a post by white wings to Tom, and went, "Oh, that's him," and came back to tell you. This board from 5/4, seems to be the day we had that silent vigil, and 'held them in the light.' I think the jig was up soon after that, because I remember somehow, Kenickie got completely, mistakenly pegged for doubting them (when I don't even think he'd been around), and I see DL at the top of that board, telling people there'd never been an incident involving Kenickie.
In fact, I'm not sure we made it through that day without the revelation. It seems to me that soon after, we were saying that even if Djoser, et al weren't real, there was enough pain in the world, that if there's any sort of PTB, our good wishes and prayers would be of use.
I found a post from me to ww, saying we should definitely save Cairo's post, no matter what, and I underlined part of it, at the time. I wasn't in on the BiT, but I must have suspected by then that there was an investigation.
Tiggy, I'm all good. It's been an embarassing (yet funny) trip down memory lane. Look what a jerk I still am! Heh.
You, pshaw. I know I was still in extreme-overly-excited newbie phase, then. I'm sort of reading from the hall, because pretty soon, I expect to see myself posting in CAPS because I didn't know how to bold, or spamming the board to vote for James Marsters in some online poll.
Dying, here.