Some people need a Jay and Silent Bob housecall to get the message that there are real people they're toying with.
I think this is key. Buffistas is pretty much my one and only. But I'm fairly sure I'm not alone in hurting for the people who post here about their hurts and feeling joy at- of course since it's fresh- say juliana's wedding. I don't "know" these people I suppose, but I enjoy their virtual company and feel like I've gotten to know at least a part of them. It would feel like a kick in the stomach if I were just a toy or an ego experiment.
it's definitely like a train wreck. i didn't get much work done today because i was so engrossed with finding the big blow-up.
it was very sad that someone who was obviously so intelligent thought she had to lie to get our sympathy to become a member of our board. she would have fit in just fine if she hadn't lied to us. she often brought up many interesting debates for the topiccy folks.
Allyson - do you need anything else? i'm sure there's probably more. i was trying to track down the board that had Penlind exiting the board on it, but i haven't found it yet. i don't even remember it, but it is mentioned in later boards.
Cindy - one or two of the boards i uploaded have Penlind's TA, "Tom", posting. i'm guessing that is who you were talking about.
Tiggy, I'm all good. It's been an embarassing (yet funny) trip down memory lane. Look what a jerk I still am! Heh.
she would have fit in just fine if she hadn't lied to us. she often brought up many interesting debates for the topiccy folks.
That's what I was thinking in rereading. She was very well spoken/written and seemed fairly knowledgable on a variety of interesting subjects. She would have done just fine on her own.
For some people it's more about standing out than fitting in.
Tiggy, I'm all good. It's been an embarassing (yet funny) trip down memory lane.
agreed. did you catch some of the Geo/Bezoar/Hel Sparrow crap on some of the boards. talk about nutcases. *snerk*
Look what a jerk I still am! Heh.
puh-lease. you are never a jerk to anyone who doesn't deserve it.
That's what I was thinking in rereading. She was very well spoken/written and seemed fairly knowledgable on a variety of interesting subjects. She would have done just fine on her own.
yep. though in retrospect, she seemed a little too knowledgeable about some things. if that makes sense...
here's another link to a few more boards.
Wow, that was a trip down memory lane. I used to be well, almost articulate and witty. Damn.
I had forgotten about the Bronze stopping for a minute of prayer/silence for "Penlind's child". I think the true story came out right after that. I loved the way the Bronze Investigative Team checked everything out and then posted what they learned. (I played a little role in that; others did a whole lot more.) I remember the post on the Bronze -- nice and clear and fair and objective. It invited Bronzers to think and make up their own minds about what it meant and what they wanted to do.
Reading the posts by people who refused to believe the truth of it is heartbreaking. They cared about this woman so much.
did you catch some of the Geo/Bezoar/Hel Sparrow crap on some of the boards.
HA! That is who, I'm pretty sure, I was playing the violin for. How many freaking names did he end up having in the end?
I had forgotten about the Bronze stopping for a minute of prayer/silence for "Penlind's child".
There's a lot of stuff I seem to have forgotten. Like, that I had a rocket launcher. I don't even remember how I acquired it.
agreed. did you catch some of the Geo/Bezoar/Hel Sparrow crap on some of the boards. talk about nutcases. *snerk*
Also Sepiroth. Because tag teaming nutcases are so much more .... unpleasant. I even saw a post or two from the "I HAET this ShoW Bcuz Willo is a Lezbo" folks. And really, that was SO over by the sping of 2001. You think they would have at least learned to spell by then.
There's a lot of stuff I seem to have forgotten. Like, that I had a rocket launcher. I don't even remember how I acquired it.
Well, knowing, you, violence was likely involved.