Not drunk. WISH I was drunk. But painfully sober.
My family? Teetotallers. And I'm still a dependent, so drinking is not something I do near them.
(Bobs? Hot. Seen
Thoroughly Modern Millie?
The Broadway version? It's hot. The bob. And the musical.)
I'm with Gus. I've always had this weird thing for Gish and her freakyass big eyes.
I cannot get drunk. For lo, I lack sufficient ice-cubes for my vodka, and am not in the mood for beer or wine.
Eta: People just had bigger eyes back in those days.
Now, who here
be old enough to fellate Mr. Flynn?
t goes to happy place
All those ignoring Trudy's fantasy, say "Aye"
Trudy is in her happy place. Everyone who wants to be in Trudy's happy place, say … wait. That sentence was going to a strange place.
Lord, help me. I have somehow converted the word "place" into a landmine-strewn field that I am caught in the center of, which I cannot escape. I call on your Mercy.
Gus: My mercy is showered down upon you. Here, walk upon my radiance out of the landmine.
Oops! It broke!
Gross. Gus bits.
Gus: My mercy is showered down upon you.
Really. Shout out for a little help and what do you get? Showered on.
Not that kinky, thank you very much.