Trudy is in her happy place. Everyone who wants to be in Trudy's happy place, say … wait. That sentence was going to a strange place.
Lord, help me. I have somehow converted the word "place" into a landmine-strewn field that I am caught in the center of, which I cannot escape. I call on your Mercy.
Gus: My mercy is showered down upon you. Here, walk upon my radiance out of the landmine.
Oops! It broke!
Gross. Gus bits.
Gus: My mercy is showered down upon you.
Really. Shout out for a little help and what do you get? Showered on.
Not that kinky, thank you very much.
Mmmmm.... showered on Gus
t remains in happy place
We're showering in Gus? Boy did I show up at the right time.
Super Porny Pants has gone to a place ...
Augh! I said "place" again. Standby for Gus-bits.
t Oh, hell. That goes to weird place, too.
t Communication sucks.
t Badly
t Let's go back to the Errol Flynn thing, shall we?
t "Errol Flynn thing" ... There is no way out of this, is there?
Trapped In A Porny Place,
a new series coming this Fall on
Showtime After Dark.
Trapped In A Porny Place
Could be a new reality show on Fox.
Mmmmm, Errol Flynn.
What Robin said about the laughing.
Krisitn, can you IM for a sec?
Gus, you being trapped in a "place" where you are alternately showering and fellating Errol Flynn is only a good thing.