Angel was always more my show than Buffy was, so this hurts much more. I don't miss Buffy, but I will miss Angel.
Angel 5: Is That It? Am I Done?
[NAFDA] This is where we talk about the show! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Tag away Vortex.
I am arguing with myself over whether I have time to watch the last 11 hours of Angel today. I think the rational part of the brain is winning. Damn it.
"Buffy" was ready to go. Seven seasons is a lot, and although parts of Season 7 were good, it had too much Potentials for me. [Plus, the whole is Giles dead and being imprersonated by The First ("No, let's just tweak the fans) -- left me feeling snarky.] But "Angel" had at least one more season in it. It smartly kept the focus on the core group (although it did add Spike), who had a lot more stories to tell.
In the nostalgic vein, here are a few statistics that I've cobbled togehter:
For the entire Buffyverse
- 12 seasons
- 254 hours of episodes
- 20 different lineups in the title sequences
- 21 different actors in the title sequences
- 22 different title sequences
That breaks down this way
- 7 seasons
- 144 hours
- 12 different lineups in the title sequence featuring combinations of 12 different actors
- 13 different title sequences
- 5 seasons
- 110 hours
- 8 different lineups in the title sequence featuring combinations of 12 different actors
- 5 seasons
- 110 hours of episodes
- 8 different casts in the tltle sequence
- 10 different actors in the title sequence
- 10 different title sequences
le sigh
Buffy felt more finished to me; they'd told their story. With Angel, I feel like there's so much more to learn about who these people are, so the loss is greater.
I had seen at least one full episode of Buffy, and bits of a few others. When I sat down to watch "City Of", I didn't expect to get hooked. But since then I've seen every ep of Angel on its original airdate or on tape-delay soon afterward (with the single exception of "I Fall to Pieces", which I caught during reruns). It was AtS that got me hooked on Buffy - had to wait for the FX episodes to get caught up on the parent show.
Well, you guys are depressing.
Someone -- I think maybe it was Kiba? -- once posted how grateful she was for S6 of BTVS, because the way it portrayed depression really helped her.
What makes me so sad about A:tS ending is that it's the end of the (more or less) contiguous Buffyverse, and the Buffyverse is one of the first things as an adult that I liked just because I liked it.
Let me explain. No, is too much. Let me sum up.
Through the wonders of psychotherapy, one of the things I'm exploring and trying to change is how much I need to keep people happy. And wanting to keep people happy made me decide to like things, to do things, to want things *just because* someone else did. I wanted to be in line with other people to keep them happy. (For instance, the Freak-Ass Church, and the things I was willing to believe and do for them.)
I stumbled upon BTVS one night ("Pangs," I'm pretty sure, followed by "IWRY") and was hooked right away. I didn't like it because someone else did, or because someone suggested I *should* -- I just liked it. (In fact, I got soundly mocked for liking a show about vampires, so it was pretty clear I wasn't watching it just because other people were, because nobody I knew watched it.)
It was *mine.* It was something that I liked that I was absolutely *sure* was *my* enjoyment, not my need to do the same thing as other people to keep them happy. Mine mine mine.
And now it's ending, and that makes me sad. One of the first things as an adult that helped me start to define who I am, in terms of what I want for *me*, not for other people, is ending.
It was a good ride, though.
It's odd to think of the Minearverse comers, or people that drifted this way because of Firefly.
Well, just to be clear, I have been a Buffyverse fanatic since Season 3 Buffy. I just didn't find y'all until a few months ago.
As I said elsewhere, I had been burned by posting forums and didn't know there was a group like this out there. Very sad that I joined this party so late.