Yes, because they hadn't even been mentioned since the Crazy!Slayer episode. The writers would have had to lay a LOT of non-anvilly groundwork throughout the 2nd half of the season for me to buy anyone swooping in to join the battle.
I don't know, I thought the writers had thrown in several hints that the former Sunnydale crowd was keeping tabs on Angel's crew, especially their recent descent into gray morality. I'd think they'd have known pretty quickly when Angel tripped the Black Thorn apocalpyse.
I should say that I'm not, like "I wsih it'd gone that way"; I like the cliffhanger. But that was the way I always thought they should get out of that corner if need be.
I figure once they're back on the path to righteousness they get backup.
Yeah, but did Slayer Central know/believe they were on the path?
This conversation is really making me miss Buffy and Angel.
We've never had a proper, knock-down, drag-out Buffy vs Angel fite, have we?
That might be fun...
Not technically perhaps, though we got proper knock-down drag-out fights between Buffy and Angelus on several occasions, and those certainly rocked.
Not technically perhaps, though we got proper knock-down drag-out fights between Buffy and Angelus on several occasions, and those certainly rocked.
I'm not 100% sure, but I think Jim was talking about arguing for which show was superior as a topic of discussion. Which did sound like a fun, if potentially dangerous, idea to me.
Buffy was better. Except when Angel was.
Buffy was better. Except when Angel was.
I don't believe you. It's the other way around. Prove it.
All valid responses, I think.
I tend to share the opinion that the quality tended to seesaw, with one show waxing as the other waned. But I think Buffy in its pure state in the early seasons was better than either of the divided efforts.
Angel, first 18 episodes, season 2.
Dude. That's some TV.