Well yes. The Buffy deal is more complicated because of the movie.
I'm trying to think of an example of a show creator who successfully stopped their show from continuing or being spun off without them. Or a feature writer who blocked a movie from being made. I can come up with one who tried but he didn't get anywhere.
Who tried?
My brain is trying to construct parallels with comics, but that isn't making anything any simpler.
I think it might be the human aspect of the half-breed vampire that drives them to socialize. They form nests, they get those eternal love bonds, they sire new vampires and keep them with them as lackeys and companions. Maybe that's why they were referred to as "The Lonely Ones" - they're evil people who need people.
You know, they've been talking about the Wolf, Ram, and Hart enough that I'd love to see the MoG, in trying to take down the Balck Thorn, actually manage to take them down, or Illyria (or Lorne? with the Pylea thing) stepping in with some knowledge or connection or something that does it.
I'd hate to see those references not paying off.
they're evil people who need people.
And the evilest people in the world...
A Bronzer has a Buffy & Angel Timeline that starts around the 1600s and goes forward. I haven't looked at it for a long time, but it's here:
gazoo's Buffy/Angel Timeline
Ooops, that's the second bit.
The original timeline is here: [link]
1974: Barry Manilow II is released on LP. The song “Mandy” has a profound impact on Angel, who will even attend his concerts. The album will go double platinum.
Sometimes. Other times they're just dangling threads left there to drive the fans crazy.
Signed, Still Bitter About Halfrek's "William?"
I love the occasional thing like this. It leaves room for me to imagine some life changing event Cecily had after rejecting William that led to her becoming a vengance demon. The idea that William and Cecily could've had normal mundane lives if she'd been more open to his advances (or at least hadn't knocked him down on that particular night) intrigues me.
In terms of Spike's contribution to AtS... I think Spike has made Angel reflect on his past more and examine his choices and his path more closely. And the old married couple exchanges are damn funny.
But it's backwards. Halfrek was before Cecily (Reference to the Crimean War with Anya), so either Halfrek was taking a break or was on a (related or not) vengence mission. That she remembers William makes me think/wank that it was related, somehow, to him.